'Incompetent And Out Of Touch': Chris Bowen Slammed After Suggesting Struggling Aussies Install Solar Panels

'Incompetent And Out Of Touch': Chris Bowen Slammed After Suggesting Struggling Aussies Install Solar Panels

Energy Secretary Chris Bowen felt compelled to immediately push proposals to install solar panels for Australians suffering from rising electricity prices.

Bowen was questioned by presenter Sarah Ferguson at 7.30 on Monday about how the government will help millions of families struggling to survive as electricity prices rise.

The Energy Secretary has insisted all Australians will benefit from curbs on gas and coal prices, with five million households set to benefit from government-approved energy rebates.

But Mr Ferguson insisted how "Central Australians" would deal with rising electricity bills without the support of Bills Relief in the face of a wider housing crisis.

Asked how households could protect themselves from expected price rises, Mr Bowen suggested more Australians install solar panels.

"I know the demand for solar energy is absolutely huge. By installing solar panels on your roof, you can significantly reduce your electricity bills," said the Minister of Energy.

Ferguson immediately began asking the minister about the expensive alternative.

“That assumes you have the money to put up the signs. Let's talk for a moment," he said.

Mr Bowen said he would only "review the steps", but then doubled down on his statement and said a number of grants and soft loans were available.

"It's not for everyone, but households are looking at all kinds of choices to lower their energy bills," he said.

Bowen was criticized by coalition partner Ted O'Brien, who claimed the minister was asking Australians to "spend money" to deal with the worsening life crisis.

"Chris Bowen is as disabled as he is intact," Mr O'Brien told SkyNews.com.au.

"Only Labor will offer families in a housing crisis to pay to install solar on their roofs because the government is failing in its job to keep prices down."

The energy secretary also cut off wholesale service to customers after his speech on social media, which many called "incoherent".

"He went completely bonkers when he told people that one way to combat high electricity prices this winter was to go solar," one said.

"Labour Secretary Chris Bowen is completely out of touch with ordinary Australians and reality," added another.

Including state and federal rebates, soft loans and incentives, installing solar panels will cost Australians between $4,000 and $10,000.

In 2021, then-Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese unveiled the Labor Party's energy policy ahead of the 2022 election, promising Australians under the Stronger Australia card to cut their energy bills by $275 by 2025.

Electricity costs have risen by 35% since Labor came to power, despite promises of an 18% price cut.

In response to the huge rise in utility bills, the government took a two-pronged approach, capping coal at $125 per tonne and gas at $12 per gigajoule, and also offering energy rebates of up to $500 to eligible households, in depending on the state and territory of the given country. . .

Although prices will rise, the government says it will reduce costs by 2025.

Mr Ferguson called on the Energy Secretary to repeat an election promise, but Mr Bowen pledged to stick to the Government's program to rapidly increase the share of renewable energy on the grid.

"Naturally. We were elected with a mandate to increase the share of renewable energy in our electricity grid because it is better for emissions and bills and we are 100% committed to that,” he said.

"And yes, modeling has shown the impact of these policies through 2025."

But when star ABC presenter Bowen pressed him on Labour's promise to cut prices, he said: "We're not going."

"They (renewables) are by far the cheapest form of energy available and that means electricity prices will be lower than they would otherwise be," Bowen said.

Mr Bowen also declined to say whether there would be further price rises, citing the current situation in Ukraine, which has led to significant supply shortages and rising costs around the world.

"Well, let's see what's happening in Ukraine and Russia. Let's see what will happen", he said.

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