Cost Of Solar Panels In Vermont

Cost Of Solar Panels In Vermont

How much do solar panels cost in Vermont?

Installing solar panels in residential buildings usually costs between $10,000 and $30,000 or more. Many Vermont solar customers finance their systems so that a monthly fee is charged until the loan is paid off.

"It's a great investment," says Bonnie (Consumer Affairs columnist) of Burlington. “The way I see it, well, I pay $147 a month. But I pay more for home insurance.

Average cost per system size in Vermont

3kW 5kW 6kW 8kW 10kW
federal pre-tax costs $8,910 $14,850 $17,820 $23,760 $29,700
Cost after federal tax credit $6,593 $10,989 $13,187 $17,582 $21,978

Are solar panels worth it in Vermont?

“I don't see anything wrong with going solar. You always save money,” Patricia from Burlington told us. "You pay a sum. They give you the amount you pay each month and it does not change. My electric bill has come down significantly despite my two Lincoln bills. The savings were significant. I am buying another property and going Probably install solar panels.

From a financial point of view, solar systems are attractive if the operating costs are lower than your electricity bill. On average, solar panels take about nine years to pay for themselves, saving over $26,000 over their lifetime. Switching to solar power also makes sense from an ecological perspective, as it reduces emissions.

Still not sure? Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy

Cost Factors for Converting to Solar Power in Vermont

The price you pay for solar energy depends on a number of factors, including the size of your installation and the quality of your panels.

More boxes, more costs

The cost of a solar power plant is generally proportional to its size. The more panels (and the higher the overall system performance), the higher the price; You pay more equipment and maybe more labor to install the system.

With larger systems, however, there can be economies of scale. For example, a larger system costs more in absolute terms, but the cost per watt of power is likely to decrease as the system size increases.

paint efficiency

Solar panels have different efficiencies, which means that some panels can produce more electricity than others of the same size. The average efficiency of solar modules is between 15% and 20%.

If you have a small roof or limited space to install solar panels, purchase more efficient panels to make the most of the available space. However, if space is not an issue, installing more efficient panels can be less expensive.

Investing in higher quality modules can save you more money in the long run because they produce more power over the lifetime of the system. In other words: the higher the efficiency, the more energy can be generated per square meter. This means you can generate the same amount of power with fewer panels.

» Comparison: The most efficient solar modules

the condition of your roof

If your roof is not in good condition, you may need to spend more money to repair or replace it before installing solar panels. Most panels are designed to last 25 years or more, so you want your roof to last at least that long.

Otherwise, you will have to pay for the removal, repair and reinstallation of the roof, which can cost thousands of dollars. (Asphalt roofs typically last 20-30 years, while metal roofs last a bit longer.)

Solar modules typically last 25 years.

If your roof faces north or has a lot of shade, the system may produce less electricity than desired. The slope (or slope) of your roof is also important, especially during the winter months.

Its panels don't generate power when covered in snow, John Mount-Holly told us: “If I had a steeper slope, the snow would probably slide off on its own. But because of the low slope of my roof, the snow would tend to stick. So the roof I climbed on. "It snows in the winter. That's fine. But when my whole roof is covered with solar panels and I have to carefully remove them, it becomes a problem. And it takes longer.

Therefore, if your roof is not ideal for housing the panels, you may need a more powerful system to meet 100% of your electrical needs.

Manual: Solar Panel Installation Guide

Solar Incentives, Tax Credits and Rebates in Vermont

Using the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is the best way to save on solar energy costs in Vermont (and currently most other states). In addition to ITC, residents can benefit from local financial incentives – Green Mountain Power offers rebates and Vermont's popular metering program.

Vermont has a 100% exemption for solar power systems up to 10 kilowatts. When purchasing a solar power system, there is also a 100% exemption from all sales taxes.

The average cost of an ITC in Vermont is $5,652.

If your solar system is grid-connected (which most are), you can use the net metering feature. This is a system where you can sell the excess electricity produced by your panels to the utility, which can offset the cost of your loan repayments.

Learn more: Vermont Solar Incentives

Compare Solar Installers in Vermont

Vermont is home to many local businesses. A Sunrun customer in Burlington told us this, but I didn't go with the local model because it's long gone. "I wanted a company that had been through a lot and had been around for years."

» Comparison: The best solar companies

to light up

Select the information you want to see for each brand. At least one option must be selected.


How to pay for solar panels?

You can pay cash, but most people pay for solar panels. A solar loan works like any other loan: there's an application and approval process, and you can pay it back (with interest) over time.

When considering a solar loan, lease or PPA, always ask:

  • Is there a payment?
  • How much should I pay per month?
  • When do monthly fees increase and by how much?
How much can I save with solar panels?

It really depends on your power consumption. Electricity bill is missing. Dwight from Proctor told us. "But I get some of the power from the grid."

According to the US Energy Information Administration, the average monthly electricity bill in Vermont is $109.24. The higher electrical load partly stimulates the demand for alternatives; Solar panels can lower your electricity bills and give you cash for the excess electricity you generate.

The system also depends on the type of payment. If you have a loan, you must repay it monthly. For example, in Colchester, Edward pays the solar company $82 per month, which is my electricity bill. The minimum rate they charge is $26 including meals, so I had to pay. Basically it was the same. In the past, I didn't save money for the electricity I paid for.

How does net metering work in Vermont?

Vermont's Clean Meter Act allows residents to install and operate their own energy systems. You pay a standard fare (although fares are subject to certain conditions to ensure safety). In order to obtain approval to operate your solar system and receive the benefits of net metering, you must complete a net metering registration form and obtain a nonprofit certificate from the Vermont Public Services Board (PSB ).

Their set is housed in a small cottage, West Windsor-based consumer affairs columnist Cortlandt told us: “I have a net negative so I'm on the grid but only using solar power collectively. My project is in Vermont, which is not always the case there. sunny, but if you look at it, it produces more energy in a year than I use.

Learn: What is net metering?

Will my solar panels work on cloudy days?

Yes, the solar panels work on cloudy days. However, according to the Environment and Energy Research Institute, energy production can drop by around 20% on days with the greatest cloud cover.

Discover: How do solar panels work?


Green Mountains is the greenest state in 2023 - it has the lowest per capita emissions (0.06 tons of greenhouse gas emissions per person) and generates 99.7% of its energy from renewable resources, which is far more than the United States.

Vermont has strong public support for renewable energy initiatives. The state has one of the highest participation rates in green energy programs in the nation. Several cities in Vermont have committed to 100% renewable energy, reflecting the state's broader commitment to sustainability.

That's partly because the state's economy is heavily tied to natural resources, "from seasonal recreation to agriculture," according to Jennifer Rushlow, dean of the Vermont School of the Environment at the Vermont Graduate School of Law. and Studies, “and these resources.” seem to need some kind of protection. feel like they have it.

ConsumerAffairs authors base their work primarily on government data, industry experts, and original research from other reputable publications. The exact sources for this article are:
  1. EcoWatch, "The Cost of Solar Panels in Vermont." As of July 17, 2023
  2. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Administration, Owner's Guide to the Federal Solar Photovoltaic Tax Credit. From July 12, 2023
  3. Environment and Energy Research Institute, Solar Energy. From July 18, 2023
  4. Solar Manufacturers Association, Vermont Solar. From July 18, 2023
  5. Vermont Department of Utilities, "Vermont Guide to Residential Solar Energy." From July 18, 2023
  6. Database of Government Incentives for Renewable Energy and Efficiency (DSIRE), "Vermont Database". From July 17, 2023
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