How Do Solar Panels Work? A Look At The Science

How Do Solar Panels Work? A Look At The Science

You've probably heard that solar panels are the smartest and most efficient source of energy, but maybe you're ready to buy them for your home. Of course, there are compelling reasons to switch to solar power, but that's only part of the decision-making process.

Part of your reluctance to buy solar panels is that you don't fully understand how this new energy source works, so you've come to the right place.

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How does solar energy work?

Before deciding whether solar panels are worth adding to your home, it is important to understand how solar energy is generated.

Solar radiation, also known as electromagnetic radiation, is the light emitted by the sun. Solar technologies such as solar panels have very small photovoltaic (PV) cells that capture this solar radiation and convert it into useful forms of energy. Silicon PV cells can maintain the electrical balance required to create an electric field and conduct electricity.

Once light strikes the semiconductor and is absorbed as photons by the photovoltaic cells, it creates electrical charges in the form of electrons, which react to the internal electric field in the cell and cause electricity to dissipate.

How do solar panels work?

They said knowledge is power. With some information on how solar panels work and what to expect if you decide to use them, we think you'll be more likely to make that 'smart' decision. How do solar panels work? Allow yourself to be amazed and amazed. The first thing you need to know is that solar panels are an inexhaustible source of energy because they use the sun's energy.

Sunlight is captured or harnessed by solar panels and converted into energy or electricity that can be used to perform any necessary task that you use other energy sources to do, but you can generate that energy if you don't. T, you're not only saving the planet, you're also saving money.

Power generation and transmission by solar panels

This process of energy conversion has been accepted globally as innovative and revolutionary because according to scientists and researchers, it will be the main source of energy around the world in the near future. Here are the steps to generate power with solar panels:

1. The solar panels are installed and grounded

Once the solar panels are installed on your home (usually on the roof), they are fixed and ready to capture the powerful rays of the sun. The impact of sunlight or rays that interact with solar panels creates an electric field that is used by the panels.

2. Direct electricity from solar panels

Solar panels consist of a conductive wire, usually around the solar panels, that conducts the electricity generated by direct contact with the solar panels.

3. Electricity changes

The generated electricity flows through a conductive wire and is sent to a critical component of the solar panels called the inverter. The function or purpose of a converter is to convert electrical energy from one form (called direct current) to a form that can be used as current or alternating current. This alternating current is used in homes and buildings to power lights, electrical appliances, and more.

4. Electricity is distributed

Once the raw DC power is converted into usable AC power, it travels through the cable from the inverter to the power panel or switch as needed. Another common name for an electrical panel that you may be more familiar with is an electrical box, which is usually outside the actual house, but close by.

5. Energy service network channels

If you have gas or oil delivered to your home, a meter may be installed to monitor and record usage. Similarly, a meter is used to calculate the electricity generated by solar panels. If your solar modules produce more electricity than your home needs in a given period of time, the excess energy is fed into the electrical grid through the electricity meter.

When excess electricity flows through the meter, the meter will go up again, creating an electricity credit for your home. So you basically only pay for the solar or solar energy you use, and overall solar energy is much cheaper than other traditional energy sources.

Reasons to install solar panels on your home


Roger Emmer, product marketing manager at Vivint Smart Home, believes solar panels are a smart choice for many reasons, but even more compelling is the cost-effectiveness of using solar panels that don't take much time to install.

He shares, “When it comes to energy choices, solar panels are the smartest option for homeowners for two main reasons. The first is finance. Because solar panels can meet all or part of a home's electricity needs, less electricity is drawn from the grid, significantly reducing monthly utility bills.

Easy installation and maintenance

Emmer also thinks that solar panels are an attractive option due to the ease of installation and easy maintenance. Solar panels eliminate the headaches and hassles associated with dangerous gas leaks or broken water heaters, to name just a few of the obstacles homeowners face in using these expensive sources of electricity.

In contrast, with solar panels, Emer said, "service is only required if something is not working properly." General maintenance such as cleaning the solar panels is recommended at least once a year.” "Solar panels generally require very little maintenance, so you don't have to worry too much about adding and using solar panels in your home," he added.

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Suitable for any lifestyle or location

If you're wondering if you and your home are particularly suitable for solar panels because of where you live, you can ease those worries, too. Solar panels not only give homeowners access to an inexhaustible and abundant source of energy, but they are a practical solution for almost any homeowner, no matter where they live.

Emmer explains, “Where there's sun, there's electricity, so [solar panels] work anywhere and save homeowners money anywhere. However, each state offers different incentives and each energy company is different, so be sure to check your state-specific options.

Although solar energy is everywhere and solar panels can be used by anyone, it should be noted that not all solar panels and the companies that supply them and the electricity they generate operate on the same land. Do your homework, do your research and make an informed decision.
Emmer advises: “Not all solar companies are created equal. Each one offers different products and prices, so your research is important.

Solar energy provides a backup energy source

With solar panels revolutionizing and changing the way people around the world run their homes safely and efficiently, it's a good idea to have a backup power source in case something goes wrong and your solar system is temporarily disabled. . Most of the best solar energy companies offer some form of backup power, usually a large capacity solar battery.

"Emergency power supply is very important in case of an emergency," Emmer warns. “Whole-home battery backup solutions are now available that can keep your home running for days in the event of an emergency. We've seen a lot of progress in this area recently and expect more to come as homeowners realize they can truly create a net zero home and control their energy needs. »

dead end

Once solar panels are installed on your home, "there's not much you need to do other than lower your bill and give you a better understanding of your carbon footprint," Emmer suggests. If you want to further convince yourself that solar panels are a good choice for you and your home, Emer offers one final compelling reason to consider installing solar panels.

"Solar energy is a really renewable and clean source of energy that doesn't emit harmful pollutants like fossil fuels," Emmer says. "Reducing your carbon footprint gives you peace of mind. So you're not just investing in your home, you're investing in the future of the planet."

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