Why Doesnt Every Electric Car Have Solar Panels?

Why Doesnt Every Electric Car Have Solar Panels?

It seems like a no-brainer: the warmth and light of the sun's reliable daily routine surrounds us, and solar panel technology has been converting light energy into electricity for decades, so why not outperform every electric car on the road in one way or another? to get free juice instead of forcing solar panel homeowners to plug into an increasingly strained electricity grid? The cost? Conspiracy? Both of? Maybe some of the above, but the real reason: science.

The main reason is for lack of a better term: space, or the lack of it. Without getting into technical detail, there simply isn't enough space on top of cars for a large enough solar collector system (often an "array") to contribute significantly to battery charging needs. If it did, every EV manufacturer in the world would include the matrix (or offer it as an option) in every vehicle sold.

However, that may be about to change, partly thanks to science and partly thanks to consumer demand and some automaker redesigns. I think we will see more cars with solar power systems in the future. Toyota has announced that the new generation Prius will have a sunroof option. Previous generations also had this option, but the solar power only ran the air conditioner or cooling fan when the car was parked in a warm location and not charging the battery. I'm going now. What has changed? Previously, the solar panel could generate enough power (voltage) to match the battery voltage; Toyota has clearly reconsidered this approach (the technology is readily available). Will your Prius be sitting in the sun all day when it's time to get home from work? It's not much, but it can add some mileage to the range, and if your ride is a small mileage (for many people) you can ride "for free" on that mileage increase. And if the car sits in the sun for a few days (most cars spend 95% of their life parked), it can add up. Simply put: it's free energy you have to pay for. This is persuasive for many consumers and therefore for car manufacturers.

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